The 5th Republic, At the Heart of Power
Directed by Gabriel Le Bomin
The Fifth Republic is sixty years old. Sixty years of political battles, social conflicts, military interventions and waves of terrorism. Former presidents and prime ministers recount for the first time how these crises were experienced "at the heart of power".
From General de Gaulle to Emmanuel Macron, the eight presidents faced similar crises: General de Gaulle's return to power, Algerian independence, May 68, the death of Georges Pompidou, the Giscard-Chirac duel, the 1981 changeover, the first cohabitation, the Gulf War, Chirac's failed dissolution, the terrorist wave of 2015... Each president has dealt with them in his own style, but with the same Constitution. How did they used the powers at their disposal? Former prime ministers and three former presidents of the Republic, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, François Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy, have agreed to recount their experiences of power in times of crisis and to tell the story of those hours when everything can change.

Three former Presidents of the Republic, eight former Prime Ministers, four Presidents of the Constitutional Council, dozens of evening visitors to the Elysée Palace... This documentary is a little gem - Le Parisien
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