My Cousin is a Farmer

Written and directed by Marine Guizy

Like many farmers in his region, François is trying to combine the impossible: for his farm to survive, he has to maintain good yields while reducing its environmental impact. At his side, his cousin Marine tries to understand.


Marine Guizy was born in the Oise region, near her grandfather's farming land. She moved away from her farming family to live in the big cities. To give a voice to those who don't have one, she decided to meet her cousin François, who has taken over the family farm. Brought up in an ideal of productivity, François is an heir to the post-war model of intensive and polluting farming. He grows milling wheat, sugar beet and rapeseed on almost 400 hectares. Like many farmers in the region, he is trying to combine the impossible: for his farm to survive, he has to maintain good yields while reducing its environmental impact. At his side, Marine wants to understand. How did we get here? Why is it so difficult to transform our system? How do we deal with the consequences of intensive agriculture? Through François' story, Marine Guizy questions our agricultural model and tells us a story that is both intimate and political, between the secrets of the land and French and European politics.

Directed by :
Marine Guizy
Written by :
Marine Guizy
Produced by :
YAMI 2 - Christophe Nick
Broadcast :
France 3 Hauts-de-France
Year of broadcast :
Duration :
52 min

Students Prize of the Grand Est Region and 3rd Jury Prize at the Caméra des Champs festival

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