
Organise a screening of the film "La forêt gourmande"!

Organise a screening of the film "La forêt gourmande"!

The documentary "La forêt gourmande" by Valérie Manns was broadcast on 22 January 2024 on France 3.

Did you enjoy this documentary and would you like to organise a screening? It's so easy! Follow the guide!

What it's about ? In the heart of the small village of Diconne, in the Saône-et-Loire region, Fabrice Desjours has been transforming an infertile pasture into a nourishing forest for fifteen years. His "gourmet forest", where everything can be eaten, has become a model for tackling climate, water and food problems. Fabrice is spreading his knowledge and trying to convince farmers, citizens, businesses and public authorities that a new art of living and producing is possible.

To see the documentary or watch it again :

"Once upon a time there was surfing": final shoots in Tahiti and Hawaii

"Once upon a time there was surfing": final shoots in Tahiti and Hawaii

After two weeks of filming in California and Tahiti last June, the film team is delighted to be returning to the birthplace of surfing this August. They will be filming and meeting the latest surfers and specialists in the history of Tahitian and Hawaiian surfing, as well as capturing surf sessions and moments of local life.

In Tahiti, the team will have the chance to meet the pro surfers taking part in the Shiseido Tahiti Pro 2023 international competition on the legendary Teahupoo' wave. It will then take off to discover the surf spots of the Hawaiian archipelago.

"Interview with Bruno Latour" wins Deauville Green Awards!

"Interview with Bruno Latour" wins Deauville Green Awards!

The documentary Interview With Bruno Latour won the silver trophy at the 12th Deauville Green Awards!


Broadcast on ARTE, this final interview with Bruno Latour completes, in audiovisual form, the body of his unique and influential work. In the autumn of 2021, the philosopher and sociologist of science Bruno Latour spoke to Nicolas Truong about his thoughts on the new world brought about by climate change, and set out the main elements of his thinking. He passed away on 9 October 2022.

To see the film :

🥁 Yami 2 at Sunny Side of the Doc 2023

🥁 Yami 2 at Sunny Side of the Doc 2023

Once again this year, the producers of Yami 2 look forward to seeing you on their stand at Sunny Side of the Doc from 19 June to 22 June 2023.

One of our films in production Free To Surf: A Polynesian Revolution has been selected for the Global Pitch session in the History category.

We can't wait to present it to you, along with our other films currently in production. Mafias & Banks or even The edible forest revolution.

See you soon in La Rochelle!

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