Our Loves
Unsere Lieben
Written and directed by Chloé Bruhat and Sascha Quade
From France to Germany, crossed glances on the plural faces of love relationships.
In 2020, as virtual encounters become more and more decomplexed, taboos are slipping away and discussions are animated around polyamory, non-exclusivity in relationships and the fluidity of genders and relationships. How do 18-30 year-olds, actors of an affective revolution, experience their relationships?
On both sides of the Rhine, there is no shortage of examples to illustrate the diversity of love configurations. Valentin and Zelda met on Tinder, and after having experienced polyamory together, they are now wondering about the complexity of the monogamous model. Despite their young age, Adrien and Mélodie have been in love for many years, but they sometimes find it difficult to see a future together. Meanwhile, Leo and Valeria, two transgender people, live an ordinary, almost heteronormative love.
French director Chloé Bruhat and her German colleague Sascha Quade tenderly give voice to the experiments, discoveries, joys and disappointments of a young generation that questions the codes of love.

The Franco-German duo of Chloé Bruhat and Sascha Quade takes us on a tour of Europe to discover the love codes reinvented by young people - ARTE Magazine
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