Work Sentence to Death
Directed by Jean-Robert Viallet
How does the logics of profitability pulverizes social ties?
In a world where the economy no longer serves man but man serves the economy, productivity targets and management methods push employees to the limit. Never before have illnesses, accidents in the workplace and physical and psychological suffering reached such levels. These are the stories of men and women coming to see occupational psychologists or doctors, the Labour Inspectorate or the industrial tribunal, and they reveal just how urgent it is to rethink the way work is organized.
Episode 1 - Destruction
Episode 2 - Alienation
Episode 3 - Dispossession
Directed by :
Jean-Robert Viallet
Written by :
Christophe Nick, Mathieu Verboud and Jean-Robert Viallet
Produced by :
YAMI 2 - Christophe Nick
Broadcast :
France 3
Year of broadcast :
Duration :
3×60 min
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