1. Power and Glory - 2. Betrayal and Double Dealing
Directed by Christophe Bouquet and Clarisse Feletin
The birth of such power in such a short time lapse is a rare phenomenon in history.
Episode 1 - Power and Glory (1995-2008)
The birth of such power in such a short time lapse is a rare phenomenon in history. At the heart of the world’s powder keg lies Qatar, stuck in between Saudi Arabia and Iran. In less than twenty years, Qatar has made its way into the “big league”. In this frantic quest for power, money plays a central role. These films take us behind the scenes of a triumphant ultra-liberalism, in the secrecy of a country that has gone from anonymity to influence and power.
Episode 2 - Betrayal and double-dealing (2008-2013)
A hub for Jihadists in exile and sponsors of the Muslim Brotherhood, at once ally of the West and supporter of its biggest critics, Qatar is often accused of double-dealing in front of the world. Through Al Jazzeera, its channel, the country has associated itself to the Arab Springs, by broadcasting news from the revolution in a continuous live feed. But what for ? Vanessa Ratignier and Pierre Péan investigated to unveil the dark side of the small Emirate, a sorcerer’s apprentice, whose diplomacy was deemed ambiguous and which stirred up many troubles within the international community.

A rare film to have ventured into such minefield territory, "Qatar" is notable for its ability to explain the complex intertwining of the issues at stake, through some exceptional archive footage and an interview with the Islamist preacher Youssef al-Qardaoui. And also, paradoxically, for the absence of testimonies from our politicians and industrialists, even though there are many of them in the National Assembly's France-Qatar Friendship Group - Télérama
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