Let's Talk Pensions

The major survey on pensions

In partnership with the CFDT - A Yami 2 and Upian co-production

Retirement is a subject that concerns us all, but one that we only think about late in life. To find out what the French people want from retirement, their hopes and fears, their ideas and desires, the CFDT wanted to give them a direct say.


2 years after the survey Let's Talk about Workwhich attracted 205,000 participants, we are launching Let's Talk Pensions !

Let's Talk Pensions is a major interactive survey aimed at everyone, working people and retirees alike, whether you haven't yet thought about retirement or are actively preparing for it. The aim is to make it the biggest national survey ever carried out on pensions. At the heart of the system is a 150-question questionnaire, produced with the help of a team of sociologists and pension specialists. Each respondent receives a personalised questionnaire based on their profile (young employee, working person close to retirement, retired person, etc.). This makes it possible to sound out both the aspirations of younger generations and the experiences of current retirees. The questions asked cover all aspects of retirement: from preparation to the transition period, the issue of dependency, but also the relationship between working life and retirement, purchasing power, and so on. The very design of the system is addressed: reversion, solidarity, the role of savings, etc.

In partnership with AG2R la mondiale, Groupe VYV, Humanis, MACIF, Malakoff Médéric, Groupe AESIO, OCIRP 

And with : Cadremploi, L'OBS, Loopsider, Viadeo

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