Let's Talk about Work
The major survey on work
In partnership with the CFDT - A Yami 2 and Upian co-production
Let's Talk about Work is a national survey on work, which aims to reach tens of thousands of employees, civil servants, the self-employed, jobseekers, etc.
Let's Talk about Work is a national survey on work, which aims to reach several tens of thousands of employees, civil servants, self-employed workers, jobseekers, etc. The ambition is to make it the largest national survey ever carried out on work.
The questionnaire allows participants to express their views on their relationship with work through 172 questions. They will be able to compare their answers directly: videos show other people answering and statistics are available in real time for each question. This will enable respondents to see immediately where they stand in relation to the average of answers already given. The questionnaire was developed with the help of a team of sociologists specialising in work-related issues...
Over and above the opinions of the more than 200,000 respondents who took part in the survey, we entrusted the 20.4 million responses collected to a group of sociologists and ergonomists who first carried out a series of weighting calculations and statistical corrections, before carrying out an in-depth analysis of these weighted results.
In partnership with Libération and Viadéo

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