Belfort, The Lion's Children
Written and directed by Vanessa Ratignier and Christophe Bouquet
In Belfort, a tragedy is looming: the disappearance of a high-tech tradition. To avoid this and save their territory, some people have decided to fight back.
In Belfort, a tragedy is looming: the disappearance of a high-tech tradition. This 140-year-old tradition has been passed down from generation to generation of workers, technicians and engineers. It is refined in design offices and factories, and passed on in apprenticeship schools, universities and cutting-edge laboratories, where those who will take up the torch tomorrow are trained. This ecosystem has everything it takes to establish itself as a leader in the energy transition.
But in the wake of the sale of Alstom's energy division to General Electric, it is in danger of dying. To avoid this and save their territory, some people have decided to fight back.

The camera invites itself into the action. It captures meetings with regional elected representatives from all sides who are convinced by this no-label mobilisation. A demonstration is organized, but it struggles to bring people together. The pandemic has come and gone, shaking up the way things are done. It's a 2.0 struggle that this sensitive and relevant film also tells the story of - Télérama
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